SAU e.V. Präseniert:

Bob Wayne and the Outlaw Carnies

Beginn: 20:00 Uhr
Einlass: 19:00 Uhr
Karlsruhe, Alte Hackerei im Schlachthof

Bob Wayne makes raw, deep, ‘pure country’ music that walks the line between comedy and dark truths, never trying to be anything he’s not and consequently ensuring everything he does is genuine, with a total lack of affectation. With his natural vocal style often having common links to artists such as the late great Johnny Cash and his songwriting style compared to Kris Kristofferson Bob brings a neo-Cash vibe that is much needed in todays resurgence of authentic country music.

In 2023 Bob continues to carry the torch. With his newest album ‘13 more Truckin Songs’ containing songs like ‘Space Trucker’, ‘Truck Driving Woman’, and ‘Trucking for Jesus’ this record is sure to deliver a plethora of new trucker classics in his neocountry authentic way.

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